Be leery of the new Tacomas ,
Be leery of the new Tacomas , as I'm sure they will have the same frame rust problems that have plagued them for years , and they will do anything they can to get out of fixing them.I have an '07 Tacoma with 88k miles and was never notified about any frame problems.When I was changing the oil ,I noticed grease fittings on my driveshafts , I was greasing them when I saw something on my frame that did not look right , I found that the bottom of my frame rails are rusting out and separating on both sides , right beside my gas tank on one side. I called the local Toyota where my truck was originally purchased and was told that I missed the deadline by a few months to get a free frame replacement, but they will put a shorter gas pedal and new leaf springs on my truck , as those recalls never end . This will be my last Toyota product as I think they are a very disceitful and dishonest company !