"The bottom line why Subaru
"The bottom line why Subaru of America doesn’t bring the 2020 Forester Hybrid e-Boxer to North America, is because they don’t need to."
Really? That sounds like the attitude of the American car companies when the Japanese started selling in the US. Why change? THEY won't compete with us.
...Subaru - I've been driving your cars for 20+ years...but you're going to lose a customer and once the customer is lost, it may never come back. Come out with a hybrid that costs marginally more but offers a substantial increase in mileage and you will *keep* selling lots of cars. Offer a super-expensive hybrid that adds almost nothing but complexity and cost and you will sell none....and start down the path of losing your customers to Honda (CRV Hybrid coming soon with 40+ mpg), Toyota, even Mitsubishi and Ford