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Angry Mitch (not verified)    September 21, 2019 - 8:25AM

I would buy a Forester Hybrid in a second! The Crosstrek is too small for my preference. While I like the idea of a plug in hybrid and would love the tax credit for it, the Forester is a great fit. I think the biggest issue with the Crosstrek is that they made you have to get the top trim in order to get the hybrid. I bet more people would be into it if you could get a Premium Hybrid, for example. The Crosstrek is pushing nearly 40k with all the options and the package. My Forester Premium with Option 15 was only around 28k this year.

I drive almost all city mileage. I am a perfect candidate for a hybrid, whether it be a mild hybrid or a plug-in hybrid. But I need the option to do so! I would spend up to $5k after tax credits are factored in to get it. It would increase my fuel economy by nearly double of what I'm getting city now!

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