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DeanMcManis (not verified)    October 1, 2019 - 4:11PM

Mark, Shane, If you do not recognize that there is a problem, then you will never change. The petroleum industry is making trillions of dollars every day, and they they really do not want that money train to slow down. So they produce many sources of disinformation about any kind of renewable energy, from it being unsafe, unclean, unprofitable, unreliable, etc... But many of us are paying attention to the problems of the world's resources and energy, and want change. Positive change and new technologies do just happen perfectly overnight. They are the result of years of research, innovation, development, testing, and improving technologies. Clean, renewable energy is a better goal to work towards than ignoring energy problems and going on the same path that we have done for decades. Electrical vehicles have a big battle ahead of them, but they have made great strides over the past 10 years, and almost every automaker now offers EVs, and has real plans to expand their EV model line up, from hybrid, to PHEVs, to BEVs over the next 5 years.

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