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Lowel (not verified)    October 3, 2019 - 6:01PM

have a ‘17 Volt w 43k trouble free miles on it and I watch my energy screen to keep track of kw used with each charge. I also have a 60 mile round trip to the nearest town with shopping so make that same trip regularly. Hardly any traffic, some 55mph mtn road, some 65mph freeway, which means I can keep the cruise set on the 8’s and very nearly duplicate that same trip each time. The author noted the temps while charging but the biggest difference I see is with the temps while driving. Hot weather has the AC on high, a warmer battery too, cold weather means heater/defroster/lights/wipers and a colder battery. The trip is right on the edge of my range and while I make it all on the battery in ideal conditions, I sometimes have the generator kick on with between 1&3 miles left on my trip. I generally use between 14.0-14.2 kWh before the generator kicks in and that seems governed by outside temps and my right foot if I sometimes get sporty. I have yet to notice any degradation in my battery but then, it’s only 3 years, 43k miles.

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