I have a 2012 Volt with 83600
I have a 2012 Volt with 83600 miles, lifetime MPGe of 194. Not sure of total electric vs. total gas, but majority is electric and only 442 gallons of gas used over just short of six years. Although the car would show 12 plus kwh being used before the generator turned on, it is now showing just 9 kwh, and then it is to the generator.
Took the car to the dealer today as the 8 year/100,000 mile warranty on the battery is approaching, and I interpreted the 9 kwh discharge max as a battery degradation issue. Miles of range have been as high as 51 on a charge, and as low as 21 in the winter. GM relies on something they call Document ID: 5406682 to assert that the minimum warranted battery capacity is 33.6 Amp/hrs, and according to them, all the cells of my car tested at 3.98 volts and the battery at 37.8 Amp/hrs. They say no warranty claim, and nothing wrong with the battery.
Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me that somewhere over 25% of the battery capacity is gone (the car would regularly show 12 kwh plus (12.4 would be high) discharged before generator took over, and on recharging using a 220 volt charger at home, 13+ kwh would go in to fully recharge a battery (I kept track for years until about two years ago when Blink stop provided charging data). So it seems like more than 25% of capacity is gone. That number is higher than what I've seen on several posts, yet GM maintains that the battery is within (its') specs.