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Bob (not verified)    October 9, 2019 - 2:17PM

In reply to by Jerry (not verified)

Woah woah there. Enjoying the experience? I like a wrx and brz; and I think there’s an argument to be made for the forester and maybe the outback. But I hope you’re driving the former because the latter are not about enjoyment. The cvt is all but infuriating and the manual is out of an 80s Toyota. There’s little power. Handling is “acceptable” at best. Mpg... ha! I think they’re very useful and safe. I give a lot of car recommendations, I’m the car guy of my rather academically oriented group and I recommend the forester all the time. To a certain group of people. Most of them hate to drive. Hate owning a car. Want to appear woodsy and hip. They love their Subaru foresters. They aren’t at all enjoyable to drive anymore than any low end car. Definitely bottom of the pack on driving enjoyment.

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