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Lew (not verified)    October 11, 2019 - 6:49AM

In reply to by Jim (not verified)

Agree. And what was the source of half the listed stats?

The only mentioned source asked daft questions: for example, Subie owners aren't *all* too fast OR too slow, half are too slow and half are too fast, so they are both, but that wasn't a selection, ends up being largely self-cancelling, yet it still stood out! Subies are one of the brand's either covered by stickers, or has (again) had the opposite: even some of the stock affixed stickers and plates have been removed or blacked-out (again, self-cancelling). And so on. The author could have somewhat redeemed a phoned-home but otherwise fun article by musing about these survey flaws and indicating where the most inflammatory responses came from. It's especially owed when using click-bait titles.

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