love my 2019! hope it holds
love my 2019! hope it holds up for the long haul. i keep my cars for 15 years plus! oil changes are a snap to do your self ! i do not have a problem with lack of power or how the cvt works. i got mine up to 95 and it had more in it but I got pulled over by a cop. pick up is ok. the car does great in the snow and ice, I had it on Lake George N.Y. on the ice for the winter carnival. interior noise is a little loud but i have the lower model so maybe the higher models are better. the eye sight works good so far and i love the adaptive cruise control.
cargo space is limited so I got a thule cargo carrier.
mpg is not affected much buy it and is great for our snowboards and equipment . perfect size for me, my wife, daughter, and dog. might be my 6 year olds first car