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Hoser (not verified)    September 24, 2022 - 5:10PM

In reply to by warren trout (not verified)

Bingo! I don’t have one but I have a 2016 VW Jetta that religiously gets 44 on the Highway, FAR better than the EPA 40 mpg and it’s a plain Jane 1.4L turbo gasoline engine non- hybrid! I drive at 70 in the right lane and I don’t go by the mpg gauge. I fill up when the car and tank are cold and fill it to the neck, then drive and then refill the next day when it’s cold again, then I manually compute the mpg. It’s the only way to do it. So…..It’s how you drive!!! High mpg and eco engines are super sensitive to “herking and jerking” and lane changes at varying speeds. Beating epa mpg is a no brainer.

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