Ranking All Toyota Exclusive TRD Pro Colors from Worst to First
I am a big fan of “top” lists. In fact, I love them.
Whether it be the top movies of the 80’s or favorite Star Wars villains or best songs to play on a jukebox (Bababooey), lists entertain people.
Lists also add a certain level of controversy, which is where the real fun comes into play. If you show the same “Top 10” list to 100 different people, you could have up to 100 different ideas of how the list should be ranked.
Take Toyota TRD Pro colors, for example. Every year since 2015, Toyota has introduced a new exclusive color for its Pro lineup. This includes Toyota Tacoma, Toyota Tundra and Toyota 4Runner. Plus, Toyota Sequoia joined the group for 2020 model year.
Exclusive TRD Pro colors kicked off in 2015 model year with Inferno color. Next, came Quicksand, Cement, Cavalry Blue, Voodoo Blue, and Army Green in 2020. Lunar Rock is this year’s 2021 model year color.
Time to rank these colors, from worst to first. Remember, this is just one car lover’s opinion. Be sure and leave me a comment with your ranking list.
7) Quicksand
It really is not fair to list one color as worst, as I really do love them all. But this is for conversation purposes, so here we go.
Quicksand takes me to the desert where a 2016 Toyota Tacoma would fit in well. It looks classic and tough and rugged.
I do not enjoy leaving Quicksand hanging at the bottom of my list, but I had to pick one.
How do you feel about Quicksand for your Toyota Tundra or 4Runner?
6) Inferno
Some call this shade orange. Some say it is more of a reddish-orange. Either way, Inferno is a hot color that demands attention.
This was Toyota’s inaugural Tundra TRD Pro for the 2015 model year. You can find it in 2015 Toyota 4Runner, Toyota Tundra and Toyota Tacoma.
5) Army Green
In 2020, Toyota made a splash by announcing Army Green for its exclusive color.
This was one of the most challenging vehicles to get anywhere in the country. People were stuck on waiting lists for several months hoping to land their Toyota 4Runner or Tundra or Tacoma or Sequoia in this incredible color.
Call me a fan. It may not be for me, but it looks so freaking tough. I personally think 4Runner TRD Pro looks best in Army Green.
4) Voodoo Blue
This color pops. Seriously pops in the sun. Some may find it shocking.
Toyota TRD Pro welcomed Voodoo Blue for 2019 model year. To me, this is one of those colors you either love or you hate.
I would never buy it for myself, but I really like it. This is the color I debated putting higher up my list more than any other.
What about you? Where does it fall on your list?
3) Lunar Rock
If you have been waiting months for your 2021 Tacoma TRD Pro, Tundra TRD Pro or 4Runner TRD Pro in Lunar Rock, you know what I mean when I say this one is HOT. And extremely popular.
RAV4 first gave this color a chance and it was somewhat of a surprise Lunar Rock was chosen for TRD Pro exclusivity at all. Now, people really like this color, and it may end up being the most popular TRD Pro color of all.
Do you think 4Runner or Tacoma or Tundra or Sequoia looks best here?
2) Cement
TRD Pro added Cement for 2017 Toyota trucks. This is tough and classic and traditional, and it is perfect for Toyota Tacoma and Toyota Tundra and Toyota 4Runner.
Cement is just plain cool. It is made for these Toyota beasts.
1) Cavalry Blue
Yes, this is my top pick. Blue being my favorite color certainly does not hurt my choice to rank Cavalry Blue highest here.
I appreciate this one for a 2018 Tacoma and Toyota 4Runner and Toyota Tundra. Mostly because it looks traditional yet makes a splash in a subtle way. I do not imagine a truck with this color would show dirt as much.
Time for a lot of you to start throwing fruits and vegetables at me for choosing Cavalry Blue as my best TRD Pro exclusive color.
Time for your thoughts on Toyota TRD Pro
I am sure many of you will have your own ranked lists, and most will look entirely different from mine.
I did my best when faced with a pretty tough challenge. How can I possibly rank these in a worst to best scenario when I really do like all of them in various ways?
I would appreciate if you could write your own rankings in the comments. This should be fun seeing how opposite many of our views are.
Thanks for reading everyone. See you next story when I reveal details about the newest Toyota Battery Electric Vehicle
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