I couldn’t agree with you
I couldn’t agree with you more. I own a 2020 TRD Off Road Tacoma in VoooDoo Blue. This truck is loaded and I love everything about it. I’m running a 3” lift with 32”tires on a 17” wheel and have put so much more into it with all that came with it. This truck turns heads and I’m so proud of it, this is my dream truck and the color has a lot to do with it! This is my 3rd Tacoma, I’ve owed many different makes but, Toyota has always treated me the way customers want to be treated. Like Jeff said, I don’t dislike any of the colors Toyota has to offer, but when Voodoo Blue first came out I knew I had to have my truck in that color and I just bought my 16 a few months earlier. Calverley Blue would be my 2nd,Army Green #3, #4 Barcelona Red, I love them all.