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Al D (not verified)    December 26, 2020 - 7:32AM

"Toyoda's second point at the conference was that even if the world did go all-electric the electricity grid couldn’t handle extra summer demand and he observed that most of Japan’s electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels. Thus, something needs to be done in this regard."

That 'something' is nuclear energy. It is our future, after all. Despite the high initial cost of building very safe, new-tech nuclear reactors, the major polluters of the world will eventually realize all the other renewable energy sources won't be able to dramatically reduce the use of fossil fuels in a world with an increasing thirst for energy. Wind and solar power have created more problems than anticipated. Countries like Germany with accelerated green energy programs have recently found that out. The immense amount of energy stored within the atom will not be ignored for long. Unfortunately, it may take a few more decades for the world leaders to realize nuclear power is the Holy Grail.

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