"NO sales" is hyperbole. I
"NO sales" is hyperbole. I thought my next car might be a Tesla, but I ended up reserving a Prime. The lack of the $7,500 tax credit and the limitation of not having an ICE back-up are issues. 90% of my trips are well within the 20 mile round-trip electric radius of the Prime. A few times a year, though, I take the kids on some driving/camping trip that might have me far from a charger for a while, and the PHEV could be handy. I did the math on renting an SUV for those trips, but it's just inconvenient. Also note some of the challenges in getting maintenance on a Tesla, and it just seems like the Toyota is going to be an easier experience. As for safety, my wife has seen too many "autopilot crashes a Tesla into a wall" videos to convince her that safety favors a Telsa.