My motivations to cover green
My motivations to cover green vehicles go all the way back to the 1990s. I studied green vehicles and participated in an EV build as my fifth-year project in my engineering program. Unlike some green vehicle enthusiasts, I don't have one preferred technology. My primary interest is in cars that are practical, affordable to mainstream buyers, and which bring joy to their owner. So many publications pander to Tesla. Do I really need to help with that? Unlike the top writers and the owners of many green vehicle publications, I don't have a financial stake in any of the companies I cover. So, I am not motivated by personal investments in my coverage. Look closely at my work on balance and you will see that I cover all aspects of the automotive world. I highlight Toyota's recent reliability challenges and that brings me great traffic. Few question my motivations writing those stories. One of my evergreen stories was a story about a popular Ford model being branded a lemon. When the RAV4 was failing an important safety test, I covered that topic. Why are only the Tesla fans surprised when someone writes anything other than a fawning love letter? I guess the easiet answer is I'm not an advocate. I'm just a person writing about vehicles who likes to create content few others dare to. Sometimes. Most of my work is very similar to my peers.