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Norm (not verified)    January 14, 2021 - 5:43PM

As an owner of Subaru and someone who wanted to buy a second Subie - Avoid the new Subie's with the eyesight. If you want to shed $$$ every time your thinnest glass crack for the tiniest of a pebble, probably you should go for Subie. I can assure you that your windshield will crack 5 times faster than any other car. They blame the impact and as an aerospace engineer who worked on crack growth, I know what I am seeing. Any impact is a trigger and most car windshields will withstand moderate impacts, forget about your Subie. Replace the windshield, pay for the calibration of the camera, and all that happens in no less than 2 weeks. I am not really saying Subaru should replace my glass every time it breaks - I am saying their engineers cant even do a proper windshield choice brings a lot of questions about what's under the hood. If as a company they cannot take responsibility for their poor design choice - They are sure to go down pretty soon. If there is nothing to with the glass on Subaru... are we people driving them on Mars?? Why is that Subaru tops the list of new car windshield damages and people have to go to courts?

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