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Mark Robb (not verified)    January 22, 2021 - 1:23PM

In reply to by Ray Peltz (not verified)

If you stop and really think about it ,we've all been convinced from our ownership experiences , me for sure I've got a 3rd gen 4runner we bought new 99 4x4 v6 auto limited, today 430,000 miles timing belt water pump twice ,radiator and cooling system hoses,therm. Ect.all maintenance be me .ac. serviced twice .I'd drive it to Canada and back in a blizzard! Without a worry! The best car ever built as far as I 02 4.7 tundra 533,000 miles about duplicate maintenance cost for it also .just gave it to my nephew after a full service ,rebuilt the entire suspension ,brakes new tires .with any luck I figure he will get at least 200,000 miles out of compression test showed 5 pounds difference among 8 cyl. Wow! So ,when I order my new tundra I'm going to order the top dog engine toyota offers whatever configuration it is and just TRUST Toyota ,they know a little more than me about building trucks ! They have earned all of my trust. I wont own another brand except lexus rc500!

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