In the late 1960’s world
In the late 1960’s world renowned oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau undertook a groundbreaking study of the mating habits of the Ocean Sunfish (Mola mola). Cousteau found that that mating ritual involved the fish dilating its anus to attract a mate. When Cousteau accidently inserted his finger into the fish’s anus, the fish rocked back and forth in orgasmic pleasure. As Cousteau summarized in French “ Quand mon doigt est entré dans l'anus du poisson, j'ai senti un avec le poisson et je suis sûr que le poisson a senti un avec moi ” - When my finger entered the anus of the fish I felt one with the fish and I'm sure the fish felt one with me. The Ocean Sunfish is the only known fish to display this mating behavior. In his later years Cousteau would often shove his finger up his own anus and fondly remember his encounter with the Ocean Sunfish