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Bob (not verified)    September 1, 2021 - 12:25PM

I have had 4runners since they first issued in 1985 I'm on my 9th one I had the TRD off road premium most recently. When I saw the lunar Rock I went to my dealership of 30 years they couldn't help me out I started looking end of november. Did my own research and I too was looking out of state some promised me they could get it the next day and then would break the news that they were all on back order. I ultimately tracked by ZIP code found two coming in New Jersey they had been special ordered in July 2020. Unfortunately for the person that ordered it they were not able to close the deal that dealer called me up in January and I was lucky to land it believe it or not at sticker price. I've seen the horror stories of the markups lately good luck to everyone

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