I bought my Outback new in
I bought my Outback new in 2016. I have been disappointed for the cost it hasn’t held up like my past Honda’s. Not long after I got it the little plastic things at the bottom of the front seats would fall off when I vacuumed. At the end of year 3 the driver seat leather pealed from the backing at he seam and now this year the passenger seat did it. I took it to an upholstery guy that said he never saw leather do that. However, safety has been a bigger problem. In year 3 or 4 the horn stopped working and they said they wouldn’t warranty it that a horn wasn’t required in Illinois for safety so they weren’t going to fix it here in Missouri where I live unless I paid for it,, so I eventually forked the money out to fix it because I didn’t realize how much I needed it when I couldn’t use it. Another problem is all my safety features do not work and all my lights are lit on my dashboard from the catalytic converter faulting. Right now when I drive it I can smell something probably the catalytic converters or it’s burning oil. I have sunk lots of money in it since last year with replacing suspension parts and that when the car was turning 160,000 miles. I’m very disappointed because when I owned Honda’s I could keep them 200,000 miles and still drive them with putting little money in them. Right now I’m driving a car where the eye sight doesn’t work or alarm me and the driver seatbelt started locking up on me this week restricting my movement and sometimes wouldn’t pull out, so I had to to drive without it. These past few weeks I have been doing my research in finding my next car .