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DeanMcManis (not verified)    February 21, 2021 - 3:51AM

A couple points...The Hyundai still qualifies for federal tax subsidies of $7500, and both of the BEVs qualify for additional state and regional subsidies, depending on the area. So as it stands, the Hyundai could be cheaper overall right now, compared to the new Bolt. But there is a bill in play that could extend the expired federal subsidy for Chevy and Tesla, taking another $7000 off of their price. This could potentially put the base Tesla Model Y starting at $33K net, and the new Bolt at $27K net (and the Bolt EUV at $29K), before other subsidies and rebates. So the value proposition could change dramatically soon, but nothing is guaranteed. I have some friends who love their Chevy Bolts, and this refreshed model addresses most issues that early buyers had with the original Bolt. Similarly I have a friend who owns the EV Kona, and he loves his as well.

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