2 Reasons You Need To Hold On To Your Used Toyota Prius
I bet you have considered selling your old Toyota Prius. It may need a battery or new tires. It could use a good scrub down, or maybe you are just tired of it.
Whatever it is that is itching at you to sell that used Prius, take a word of advice from me. Do not scratch the itch...yet. In this article, I want to explain my two reasons you need to hold onto that aging Prius for just a bit longer.
Number One: Gasoline Prices Could Skyrocket
I will be honest, I have no idea what will happen in the next few months, and I bet that none of you do either. One thing is for sure, though; gas prices have started to climb back up. Albeit slowly, the steady increase in fuel costs will cause larger vehicle owners to re-think their choice of a daily driver.
If fuel prices soar, even if your Prius is only getting 35 mpg, that is still better than many of the other vehicles on the road now. A paid-off, low-maintenance car can be the difference between loads of debt and financial freedom.
I will be the first to admit that car repairs are not fun, but if you have an excellent hybrid battery and you have taken somewhat decent care of it, your Prius has plenty of life left in it.
Another point here, if you are into selling in a buyers market, keep it until there is a more significant demand for high fuel economy cars. You can then ask a premium for your Prius and get top dollar for it.
Number Two: If It Is Not Broke, Do Not Fix It
I drive older Toyota and Honda vehicles by choice. Some may call a "miser," but the main reason I drive older cars is that I know their track record.
I own two 2008 Toyota Prius, a 2006 Toyota Tundra, and a 2011 Honda Odyssey. I could at anytime buy a new car, and honestly, I would love a new Tesla or Supra.
The thing is, I do not care what I drive as long as I know it is reliable and looks decent (I have some standards). All of my cars have no issues, and they are all up to date on their maintenance.
I know that doing the little things will keep my cars running and driving as close to new for a lot longer. I gave up on competing with the Jones' a long time ago, so it does not bother me if my neighbors drive a newer vehicle than me. I have no payments.
Having a known good used Prius in your hands is something of value. The cars have outstanding track records, and if you look around for a little bit, you can score a great deal on one.
These may not be your reasons to keep your Prius, but they are mine, and I feel they are trustworthy. I always have at least one extra Prius on hand at all times to put up for sale or to do some R and D on.
What are your reasons for keeping your Prius? Drop me a line on Twitter @the_hybrid_guy and let me know! Until next time, stay safe out there.
Have you heard about the Lithium-Ion Battery that is coming out for older Prius?
Check out this wild new battery tech that Tesla has and why it will forever change the auto industry.
Peter Neilson is an automotive consultant specializing in electric cars and hybrid battery technologies. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Automotive Service Technology from Weber State University. Peter can be reached on Linkedin and you can tweet him at The_hybrid_guy on Twitter. Find his page on Facebook at Certified Auto Consulting. Read more of Peter's stories at Toyota news coverage on Torque News. Search Toyota Prius Torque News for more in depth Prius coverage from our reporters.