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Lynnell Marshall (not verified)    March 12, 2021 - 10:47AM

I have a 2016 2.0XT touring Edition which i purchased new after driving a 2007 Outback Legacy Ltd. 4 cyl. I LOVE the speed and handling of my Forester. I miss the 6 CD player in my Outback and the fact that it warms up substantially faster in the winter. BUT the engine caught fire because a piece of engine had a catastrophic failure resulting in hole in engine block which caught the engine on fire at 92,000 miles. Luckily some nice people stop to help my daughter by putting out the fire and insurance won't cover engine defects and Subaru did nothing about. Too bad the good Samaritans didn't let it burn. Its currently a lawn ornament. Where the love here? I don't feel it. Anyway, I was looking to buy another Forester then I see no turbo in Forester. NICE JOB SUBARU!!! Now I'm definately going to have to look a different make/model vehicle. Atta way to fix it when it ain't broke and brush one off that is broke and was defective. One more suggestion I would like to make. Get rid of eyesight, if I needed a copilot, I'd fly a plane. Its pure annoyance on steroids. FORTUNATELY, my year doesn't have it. A rental i was issued did have it and I actively looking for a bridge to drive off prior to my arrival at my destination.. But my Forester is da bomb hopefully it lasts longer than my Outback did.

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