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Tom Swinburn (not verified)    August 23, 2021 - 4:59PM

In reply to by Keil Miller Jr (not verified)

I'm with you. Old school, and old I drove pickups and vans hundreds of thousands of miles running service during my career. I like the high-up---upright seating position and the viability afforded by the Forester. It's what I'm most used to and comfortable with. The turbo is, to me, an unnecessary and potentially costly "toy". The Forester will more than adequately handle passing and getting up to highway speeds. Most of the "reviewers" have yet to grow up. And never will. "More power" is their mantra, needed or not. It seems that ALL--bar none are teenage boys at heart regardless their chronological age. Adults tend to the objective rather than the subjective. Reviewers tend tot do the opposite.

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