Sacramento has a terrible…
Sacramento has a terrible infrastructure for these vehicles. When I purchased the Mirai in 2021 there were 3 stations and 2 proposed to be built in 2022. Also fuel was around $16/kg. Now fuel is $26+/kg and still only 3 stations and there always seems to be a problem with 1-3 of them. Today all 3 are down. The one in West Sacramento is the most steady, however you are required to wait 10 minutes between fills. One day I waited almost 2 hours to fill. I do admit Toyota has been good with reimbursement for rentals and gas though. I average 15k miles per year in driving but only have 11k miles on my Mirai after almost 2 years. Please let me know if there is a class action lawsuit as I know 3 Mirai Owners who would want to get in.