The information on this…
The information on this article is 100% correct. I bought the car 3 months ago thinking is was such a sweet deal but little did I know it would turn out to be the biggest nightmare of any car I have had in the past. First, the dealer Hamer Toyota in mission hills lied about the range of the car it has yet to hit the 400 mile range the closest I’ve come is 299. Second, the biggest part of the nightmare is getting fuel for this car every time I have to refuel the stations are offline/down you literally go to bed praying that the next day there will be fuel available. Well, I have had to get rental for a week due to no fuel. The stations that have a little bit of fuel are hundreds of miles away and the price of hydrogen gets jacked up to over 34 dollars. How is that the consumers fault that there is no available fuel for these cars? What’s going on Toyota you have lost me as a customer for ever apparently all these complaints are falling on deaf ears! Toyota does not want to do anything about solving the fuel issues for their mirai costumers and hundredths of us are now stuck with these cars. That’s not acceptable Toyota. What will it take for Toyota to do right by their costumers?