My 2020 Tesla model 3 roof
My 2020 Tesla model 3 roof (glass) is cracked. Replacement is approximately $1300.00 The service center said a tiny little chip of glass along the crack was probably caused by a small rock that landed on the top of the car. I have my doubts. The crack is not in the windshield. If this can happen this year what is the likely hood that it will happen again within a year at the tune of another $1300? It seems to me that Tesla should have known better and used a metal roof not susceptible to the cracks. My insurance company indicated that nearly every Tesla they have insured has had a similar problem. I will not expect my insurance company to cover the cost of a issue the Tesla engineers should have been well aware of. I will not replace it until it leaks water and will badmouth Tesla every chance I get; whereas before, I was full of praise.