I’ve owned a 1996 Mazda Miata
I’ve owned a 1996 Mazda Miata since June 2007. At purchase it only had 20,000 miles on it! The previous owner was 72 years old & rarely drove it, but took exceptional care of it. Everywhere I’ve driven it heads turn because of how new it still looks. I’ve now had it for 14 years, & I’ve replaced tires, a water pump, timing chain, & radiator. But the latter 3 were due to age - not lack of performance. I’ve never replaced a headlight or signal light, & the AC still runs as cold as the day I bought it in 2007. And I’ve driven it from Arkansas to Florida twice. Twice to Texas. Once to Kentucky. Once to Missouri. Flawless performance each & every trip! Hard to argue with Miata’s exceptionally engineered track record - ESPECIALLY on a 24- year-old vehicle! And 1 year ago I purchased for my wife a 2014 CX-5 with only 52,000 miles, & it’s purred like a kitten ever since. When I drive it I’m reminded a LOT of the “Zoom-Zoom” aspect of Mazda’s engine engineering that gained it so much notoriety in years past. You punch the accelerator & you GO! JUST like with my Miata!! Many reviews I read on it before purchase referenced it as “zippy!” And that is DEFINITELY true!!! Fun & easy to drive. Designed with the driver experience in mind, the creature comforts & luxury features abound! So the gentleman who had so many issues to “me” clearly got a lemon. And I’m my 65 years of life I’ve learned that lemons - in the world of vehicles - come in all shapes, sizes, makes & models! Needless to say, I’m a Mazda man for life, & don’t ever plan on owning ANYTHING else!