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Richard Melloh (not verified)    July 23, 2021 - 9:14AM

My wife and I have daily driven a 2013 Crosstrek Limited since new. It currently sits in the driveway with a little more than 80k miles. It does not, nor has it ever used a drop of oil. I am about to perform the next oil and filter change, something I do myself every 7k miles. I guess we should feel a little lucky.

I also purchased a used 2005 LGT wagon six years ago, with 60k miles on the odometer. The seller was up front about the 2.5 liter, turbo engine using one quart of oil every 1000 miles since delivery as new in 2005. The dealer claimed this was normal. The seller was accurate on that oil consumption rate. I always kept an extra quart of oil in the rear side storage bin. Oil and filter changes were performed every 3k miles or less. The original owner claimed oil/filter changes were preformed every 2k miles. Over my six years of ownership, the LGT's oil consumption rate remained constant.

If one loves their Subaru, they surely would not wait for the low oil warning light to come on before adding oil. I cringe to think someone would do that. It's not a bad thing to be in tune with one's vehicle, checking oil regularly. It helps avoid other surprises like low washer fluid, low brake fluid, low power steering fluid, low coolant level. They are all right there for the checking.

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