I generally shy away from
I generally shy away from making comments where engine oil products are concerned because it always invokes the very worst in people, much like political or religious extremism, but your very first sentence is incorrect.
"Synthetic oil is basically your regular motor oil that has been processed to a greater degree..." does not reflect how high-quality synthetic oils (synthetic base + synthetic additives) are produced. There absolutely are oils deceptively marketed as "full synthetic" that are exactly as you state (usually just synthetic additives in regular dino oil), but oils that reflect the quality necessary to provide the true benefits synthetic oils are capable of are a rigorously researched and engineered product (with petroleum and non-petroleum sources) not just pumped out of the ground and refined.
I have used synthetic oil in my vehicles since the 80's and to me they are 100% worth it (better mileage, less wear, and better corrosion resistance are the benefits most important to me). I do spring and fall oil changes regardless of miles driven to remove the built up acidity from combustion blow-by.