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Vaughan Pratt (not verified)    January 3, 2022 - 3:31AM

"But it doesn’t make sense like a lot of other decisions of the Biden administration."

1. It's not just the US. As you can learn with Google, the governments of almost all the major countries north of the equator offer rebates on EVs. The main exceptions are the continents of Africa and South America, which have relatively few governments doing so.

2. It's not Biden, it's Bush 2, aka W, who signed the Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008 that got these EV rebates rolling.

3. It's not presidents, it's Congress that makes up these laws. The only decision the president gets to make on these laws is whether or not to send the bill back to Congress as needing fixing, aka vetoing. Apparently Bush 2 saw no need to fix that particular Act.

With equal logic you could have blamed Trump for the same thing during his administration. Which would have greatly upset Trump supporters, not to mention being unfair to Trump since he never had the opportunity to veto that 2008 Act of Congress.

(Disclaimer: I was born and educated in Australia and rooted for former US VP Nixon in the 1960 election but quickly adjusted to JFK after seeing Nixon's five-o'clock shadow. We were never told anything in school about Americans loving to hate their elected leaders, something I only learned about after moving here.)

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