I just got enhanced FSD a few
I just got enhanced FSD a few days ago. I was very impressed although I found the steering wheel somewhat jerky in some acute turns. I used to be a driving instructor and found FSD very similar to driving with a student driver. It seems that the cameras are not looking far ahead. They should be evaluating the width of the road and the number of lanes possible in that space. At the same time it should be visualizing where the car is with respect to where it will be very soon. It should not jerk the steering wheel other than if very close it is doing something very wrong. Sudden movements surprise other drivers and make the ride uncomfortable and often dangerous. So AI should be able to check each extremity of the lane, determine where the center of the lane is and make sure the car is going there many times per minute. If lines are erased or are absent it should be able to determine where the lines should be. If lines reappear it should learn to better evaluate next time. It should also use the back camera in the same way a driver uses his or her mirrors. It should tell him when to accelerate more rapidly or brake more smoothly. The more it does everything smoothly the less it surprises you and other drivers as well. Looking far ahead is vital for easy driving for a human student. It should and will be the same for an AI driver.