Mexican built beasts.
Mexican built beasts.
You get angry at a guy calling you a redneck? Ok gotcha concur. But Then brag about hitting a smaller car, thats curiously a Japanese brand. Why not endanger the lives of say a chevy bolt driver in your tale? Cmon man, you are fulfilling the label you disagree with being called.
You need a 3/4 ton or 1 ton for work. I respect that.
I dont. I also dont want the hassle of diesel emission tech, urea, water in diesel issues.
When I am wrenching my tundra with elp from a buddy here and there, i like to see japanese bearings (or american) in the wheel hub. i run 35's and a 4-5" lift, so yeah these go ere and there. not chinese or mexican bearings. Wonder what bearings are in that Ram wheel hub? ever compared the front wheel hub on a tundra 1/2 or the tundra rear diff and gearing to other 1/2 tons? not close. The mechanics I know who work on a lot of american trucks, say you want to have a reliable truck and dont need towing like a 3/4+1 ton buy Tundra. They also say most of the toyota parts are made in america-not the case for Ram.
I keep picking on Mexican Ram trucks to poke you. BY all accounts the mexican ram plant is a quality plant. However, I will say do you think if mexicans had better wages there would be less issues south of the border? Why do you not purchase American built trucks?