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Rusty Harrod (not verified)    April 4, 2022 - 1:42PM

I’m a college educated contractor. UK Mechanical Engineering degree. I spent the first half of my life building cars. Toyota Camry plant is 17 miles from my house. I’m more familiar with the Automotive Industry than almost anybody. Dodge is inferior but they excel at the one most important feature of any Carbon spewing machine- the engine. Cummins makes that wonderful powerful diesel in Columbus Indiana. I’ve lived there too. I could see that mid range plant from my house. Poetry in motion and I knew their Engineers personally. Best on the planet. The Hemi is also legendary. Made by the Dodge boys. Everything else is garbage. I worked for Toyota- they build the best 4 cylinder engine on the planet and overbuild the car or truck. Waste of money. Did you know it only costs about $6,-$7,000 to build a car or trucks? The rest of the price is paying a ROI on the $2-$3 billion dollars invested in robots, dedicated welders, huge plants. 250 acres under one roof , 2 running in Georgetown and a third coming up. 4th planned. Georgetown rivals Ford’s largest complex (Kansas City) for title of most vehicles produced in the US at a single location. American Engineers had to explain to the Japanese why we even like trucks. They don’t have a clue. Tokyo is impossible to even park your car, Dually couldn’t navigate those little streets. I’m proud to be an American. I now build houses and I’ve got more knowledge in my pinky toe than you boy. Go back to school and learn to do simple math and maybe I’ll talk to you. Probably still won’t.

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