A good sensible assessment.
A good sensible assessment. The Spotify thing would be a bit annoying especially as if you are like me and a bit tech phobic. Have heard that smell issue before from others,surely Tesla can get that sorted soon. Hope they are fully aware of the problem. I am looking forward to buying a modelY performance but holding off till most of the bugs are ironed out especially as in NZ so not many service centres. I appreciate that you suggest the standard range is OK. The Texas option Y structural battery pack and 4680 cells AWD and 279 miles seems a pretty functional package but I will stay with the performance option I think. Hope the USA Teslas finish eg panel gaps etc can begin to compete with cars ex China. I hear even the German cars are well built from scratch and the factory has only been operating a month or so. I will keep my Dodge Ram though. Gas prices here are $3.30 a litre. USA drivers don't know what real pump pain is yet still Brandon is working on it.