I purchased one of the 1st
I purchased one of the 1st Sequoias in New England in 2000, it had its share of rusting frame issues and 14 yrs later, at 244,000 miles Toyota replaced the frame allowing the vehicle to pass inspection and be sold. I bought a used 2010 in 2014 with 105k miles and it’s been great. I take it to camp on gnarly roads and the best feature is still the power rear window that allows me to slide my heavy kakak inside instead of hoisting it onto the roof, a 2 person job vs solo.I have built a plywood platform after removing rear 3rd row seats and now store outboard motor and heavy duty fish boxes under that and lighter fishing and camping gear on top of the platform, given the spacious room once seats removed, Sadly, the new Sequoia is being marketed at the Lux demographic and offers Outdoors folks like me none of the options above I require. For that reason, when my Seq hits 250k I need to look elsewhere. Toyota could have done a much better job recruiting their Seq installed base but blew it with one segment except the carting-kids to games one. Too bad they didn’t make my needs options on the “new and improved” boat.