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Owners Give Advice on Toyota Tundra Hybrid/Non-Hybrid and Why You Would Not Need It

Decided whether or not to get a Hybrid Toyota Tundra or a non-hybrid can be pretty overwhelming. Here’s what some owners think about the difference.

In a previous article we covered that the hybrid system on the 2022 Toyota Tundra is not quote the same as a hybrid. In a typical Toyota hybrid car like my 2012 Prius, an electric motor starts the car and puts it in motion and after X amount of inertia has accumulated, then the gas engine kicks in. On the highway the gas engine slows down and pairs with the EV engine to make the same power that an engine on 80 percent would while only running on 30%.

This causes the engine to use less gas and in term make your car more efficient. Hybrid systems like the Tundra however are a little different. On the Tundra and upcoming Sequoia, the hybrid system would consist of the EV motor kicking in only for extra added torque and not to compensate the gas engine. This would result in better pulling and a lot less gas energy needed at the initial pull. Even though it is not meant to save gas, the hybrid versions of both the Sequoia and Tundra offer just a few more MPGs than their gas counterparts.

Owners Give Advice on Toyota Tundra HybridNon-Hybrid and Why You Would Not Need It

Now you are in the market for a brand-new Tundra, and you cannot decide what you want. A hybrid or gas? Granted, if you solely care about which is cheaper then you can go ahead and get the gas version. The 2022 Tundra Hybrid is about 8-12k more than the gas and God knows how many more if you go to the dealer. Oh, also expect to pay dealer prices and don’t look at the manufacturer site.

On Facebook’s 2022+ Toyota Tundra group, Son Vo asked, “Is it worth it to get the hybrid engine?” I think that this is an important question because it really gives new and prospective owners some insight into what these trucks are for. They are pretty much for all uses but for the sake of “truck users,” we will stick to the practical.

Al McNeilly said, “For mileage reasons no it’s not a payback. But, with the hybrid you will have less turbo lag at low rpm acceleration and more torque. If this is important to you then it is worth it.” If the difference in price is not important to you than the Hybrid might want to be the option, you want to get. Even though the non-hybrid offers a little bit more in add-ons, the Hybrid shows its true colors when you hook up that trailer.

Kenny Smith said, “I’ve only driven my Hybrid. For towing yes, but mileage isn’t that much better if at all. I can get 20 mpg if I try, but normal driving is 16-18 mpg.” I think this is a good point because most people read Hybrid and think they are getting a pickup truck Prius. While I wish that existed, you might have to wait a few more years until the technology gets better.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

Harutiun Hareyan is reporting Toyota news at Torque News. His automotive interests and vast experience test-riding new cars give his stories a sense of authenticity and unique insights. Follow Harutiun on Twitter at @HareyanHarutiun and on YouTube at Toyota Time for daily Toyota news.

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