Important Test Before Deciding Between the New Hybrid and Non-Hybrid Toyota Tundra
Going Hybrid…or Not
Never the last word on anything car or truck related with particular models, Scotty from the Scotty Kilmer YouTube recently reviewed a brand-new 2023 model Hybrid Toyota Tundra with a newly improved Hybrid Boost system that is Toyota’s answer to truck owners who are still bemoaning the loss of the tried-and-true Tundra V8 and might not be thrilled about its gas-only V6 replacement.
So, is going Hybrid with the V6 the answer? Let’s find out.
Scotty’s Review
While Scotty is not a big fan of Hybrids in general, he offers an honest review of what he really thinks about the Tundra move toward going Hybrid and what it means for Tundra fans who may be on the fence when it comes to giving it a try…or to start looking around for a used Tundra or even a new or old model of a different make in order to get the kind of vehicle truck owners want.
Follow along with Scotty as he goes over a 2023 Tundra Hybrid with assisted twin turbo on a V-6 engine with 18,000 miles on it and talks about:
- The model’s early turbo issue is resolved
- How this is a “mild” Hybrid system
- What RPM you have to reach before full torque kicks-in
- The biggest downside to this model
- What you will find when it comes to feeling the power difference between the gas-model and the Hybrid
- The most important test you need to use before deciding if the Hybrid version is really for you
That said, here is the video provided below that is Scotty’s take on what he believes are the notable pluses and minuses of the Hybrid.
Related article: Owners Give Advice on Toyota Tundra Hybrid/Non-Hybrid and Why You Would Not Need It
Spoiler Alert Below
Just in case you want to skip the video and find out what it comes down to and the one piece of advice to you from Scotty that makes the most sense, skip down to the Spoiler Alert section below.
Spoiler Alert Reveal Recap
From the video and the comments made by viewers who are Tundra owners, the most reasonable assessment (i.e., valid points) of the Hybrid Tundra can be summed up with one question: “Why bother with this model?” based on the facts that:
- You get gas mileage equivalent to a gas-only model
- There’s a lot more tech in the Hybrid that is expected to lead to more (and expensive) repairs down the road
- The Twin Turbos Hybrid Boost already has a questionable history
- Aside from the rear-suspension improvement for better handling, there’s little else new offered in this Tundra model to justify switching from gas-only to the Hybrid
- It’s still d***ed overly expensive!
Related article: Are You Paying Too Much for Your Truck?
All of which leads to the importance of Scotty’s best advice on this model is that you need to test drive both the Hybrid and the gas-only version of the Tundra to help you decide which model is really the best fit for you and your driving needs.
Which might seem like a given, but you would be surprised how many people overlook the importance of what should be the final decider of your truck buying decision: the seat of your pants!
For articles related to the gas-only models of the Toyota Tundra, here are a few for your consideration:
- Important Toyota Tundra Recall Warning from Consumer Reports Could Save Your Child’s Life
- Mechanic Voices His Disappointments with the New Toyota Tundra
- Toyota Tundra Warning About Its Engine Change
Timothy Boyer is a Torque News automotive reporter based in Cincinnati. Experienced with early car restorations, he regularly restores older vehicles with engine modifications for improved performance. Follow Tim on Twitter at @TimBoyerWrites for daily news and topics related to new and used cars and trucks.
COMING UP NEXT: Consumer Reports Best American Cars, SUVs, and Trucks
Image Source: Unsplash
2023 Toyota Tundra Hybrid - Fuel Economy Review + Fill Up Costs