Tesla Semi Makes Impressive Left Turn and Appears as Tough Object in a Mirror
In the video, Hinrichs is driving his car first in front of the Semi, while someone is filing the Semi through the mirror, and then behind a Tesla Semi on a road. Then watch the Semi making a sharp turn on a road.
Have you ever been driving down the highway, catching a glimpse of something big and impressive in your rearview mirror? Well, imagine looking back and seeing the imposing figure of a Tesla Semi barreling down the road behind you. That's exactly what happened to Tesla blogger @HinrichsZane in a recent video that's making waves in the online community.
In the video, shared by Hinrichs on his social media account X (which is the former Twitter), we get to witness a remarkable sight: a Tesla Semi making a sharp left turn with the grace of a ballet dancer. Okay, maybe not exactly like a ballet dancer, but you get the picture. It's a large truck, yet it maneuvers with unexpected finesse. As the truck negotiates the turn, Hinrichs raises an intriguing question, "Does the Tesla Semi Stalker have Tesla Semi Derangement Syndrome?"
Now, that's a tongue-twisting question that sounds like something out of a science fiction novel, but it actually points to an interesting phenomenon. It seems that there's a subset of enthusiasts out there who are so enamored by the Tesla Semi that they're willing to follow it around like paparazzi chasing a celebrity. It's a curious case of automotive admiration, and it raises an eyebrow or two.
But let's step back for a moment and talk about the Tesla Semi itself, which is Elon Musk's ambitious take on the future of commercial trucks. You know, Tesla Semi isn't your average run-of-the-mill big rig. No! This huge semi-truck is all-electric, which means it's not belching out those black clouds of exhaust as it rumbles down the highway. Plus, it's designed to be seriously powerful, boasting impressive acceleration even when it's hauling a heavy load.
Hinrichs, the Tesla blogger who captured this captivating moment on video, is more than just an observer. When asked if he would consider owning a Tesla Semi as a daily driver, he didn't hesitate with his response: "Absolutely!" And here's a twist that might make you do a double take: he actually regrets not putting in an order for the Tesla Semi during those early days when the deposit was a mere $1,000. Now, that's what you call hindsight regret.
But back to that question about the Tesla Semi stalkers and their supposed "Derangement Syndrome." Hinrichs' video sparked a bit of banter among truck enthusiasts. One voice chimed in, "Nobody else don't stalk semis." It's a humorous reminder that the Tesla Semi seems to have ignited a level of fervor among its followers that's just a tad outside the norm.
Objects in mirror are as badass as they appear. #teslasemi
Question: Does the Tesla Semi Stalker have Tesla Semi Derangement Syndrome? pic.twitter.com/5xLuwGIkrV
— Zanegler (@HinrichsZane) August 14, 2023
So, there you have it—a video capturing a Tesla Semi in all its good looks, a blogger who wishes he had jumped on the opportunity to own one sooner, and a quirky debate about the psychology of truck stalking. It's a glimpse into the world of automotive fascination that keeps us all intrigued about what's to come on the roads of tomorrow. And who knows, maybe one day we'll all be glancing in our rearview mirrors to catch a glimpse of the electric semi-truck, driving behind us.
Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded TorqueNews.com in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.