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New Falken WildPeak A/T4W Detailed Comparison To A/T3W and A/T Trail - Which Tire Is Best?

Falken has just released its new WildPeak A/T4W winter-rated all-terrain tire. We dive deep to explain how it differs from the A/T3W it replaced and the A/T Trail tire so you can make an informed decision.

Falken WildPeak Series tires have been gaining dominance in the industry. This tire line was designed specifically for trucks, SUVs, and off-road-oriented crossover models. More and more manufacturers now offer the Falken A/T series tires on special and top trims of their vehicles. For example, Ford’s Bronco Sport, The RAV4 Hybrid Woodland, Mazda CX-50 Meridian, and many more. We’ve tested the WildPeak Series on-road, off-road, and in winter to give readers a full understanding of what these tires are capable of, and which particular tire is best for their specific needs. Now, Falken has introduced a new replacement for the A/T3W. Let’s see what the new WildPeak A/T4W offers and why shoppers should consider it.

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Image of Falken WildPeak A/T4W tires courtesy of Falken


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All Three WildPeak A/T Tires Are Severe Snow-duty Rated
One aspect that all three of the WildPeak Series tires we are comparing excel in is snow driving. All three are rated by Falken as having a 4.5 out of 5 score. Each earns the three-peak mountain snowflake symbol. We’ve driven the AT3W and the A/T Trail on snow-covered pavement and snow-covered trails numerous times, and they are excellent. Short of a dedicated winter tire design and studs, these are the best 4-season tires for winter one can run. 

Image of Ford Bronco Sport with WildPeak tires in snow by John GorehamChart comparing Falken WildPeak Tires by John GorehamWhat the New Falken WildPeak A/T4W Brings To the Table vs. A/T3W and A/T Trail
Falken says that the new WildPeak A/T 4W will offer better dry road handling than the A/T3W and even the A/T Trail offer. In addition, the new A/T4W elevates its Ride Comfort score a bit over the old A/T3W. This means that on your daily routes, back-country mountain road driving, and heading to the trail, the 4W will offer you a better experience.

In addition, Falken has upped the treadwear warranty. The A/T4W now offers a 65,000-mile treadwear warranty, up from the 55,000-mile warranty of the 3W. Longer life is always welcome by any consumer. No ratings suffer to bring this longer life rating. 

Features of the New WildPeak A/T4W Tire
Falken says that the new WildPeak A/T4W will have greater towing performance than prior designs due to its increased tread rigidity. This is one area in which Falken says the new 4W will outperform the outgoing 3W. 

Another area where the 4W seems to differ is the sidewall. Falken says that 4W 
offer a three-ply DURASPEC sidewall design. It appears a bit beefier than the already pretty tough-looking 3W. 

How Does the Falken WildPeak A/T Trail Fit In?

The WildPeak A/T Trail was specifically designed for us eon crossover SUVs that have off-road intentions. However, it is a design that was built up fomr an all-seaon tire foundation. The 3W and 4W were designed from the beginning to be all-terrain tires with excellent off-road capability. On dirt roads, access trails, and logging roads, the A/T Trail is a fantastic tire. It can also handle muddy areas. In snow, we found the A/T Trail to be very good. Not the eaual of a dedicated winter tire design, but better than any all-season touring tire we had driven in snow (and we've driven a lot). 

WildPeak A/T4W Availability

We checked Tire Rack, Simple Tire, and Discount Tire online, and none of the retailers had yet listed prices for the new WildPeak A/T4W. We did notice that the WildPeak A/T3W is listed by Tire Rack as “Special/Closeout.”

Watch Torque News for more details on the new Falken WildPeak A/T4W tire as information becomes available. We plan to have price comparisons and reviews available shortly. 

Images of Falken WildPeak A/T4W tires courtesy of Falken. Image of Ford Bronco Sport with WildPeak tires in snow by John Goreham. Chart by John Goreham. 

John Goreham is an experienced New England Motor Press Association member and expert vehicle tester. John completed an engineering program with a focus on electric vehicles, followed by two decades of work in high-tech, biopharma, and the automotive supply chain before becoming a news contributor. In addition to his eleven years of work at Torque News, John has published thousands of articles and reviews at American news outlets. He is known for offering unfiltered opinions on vehicle topics. You can follow John on Twitter, and connect with him at Linkedin.

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