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Matthew (not verified)    May 28, 2024 - 5:40PM

In reply to by Kevin Killian (not verified)

I agree, I have a 2021 Forster Sport, I was in awe of the safety features at first. But, it scared the hell out of me when the car in front of me was turning and my car thought I wasn't paying attention and the beeping started and the brakes hit hard. I didn't realize what was happening at first. I hate that I cannot override it. I tried to back up in a small driveway and there were small fiberglass flexible guide posts along the driveway. We'll, the car wouldn't allow me to back up over the guides, I had to get out of the car and pull the guide posts out in order to turn the car around. Safety is important, but so is paying attention to driving without a computer telling me how to do it.

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