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Bonnie Johnstone (not verified)    December 23, 2024 - 12:33PM

One reason I love my 2009 Subaru Forester is driving comfort.
The drivers seat fits my back with lower lumbar support and shoulder support to keep my body from moving around while driving.
I have full neck arthritis and some in my back, also hip bursitis.
The Forester isn’t painful to drive! It’s also a very good height when entering the vehicle.
I have sit facing left and pivot around to the right for my legs to get into the car. (I have a rod in my leg)

These considerations matter. The doorway upper handles help getting in and out also.

My younger friend has a very expensive Tesla with all the features (hydraulics etc) and he really liked the feel of driving the Forester.

Great car for older people or anyone who has mobility problems or back pain and can’t afford expensive cars.

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