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Luke (not verified)    January 6, 2025 - 9:44AM

This piece is totally ridiculous. The comparisons made at the beginning were using a truck with 250 000 miles. It would take the average truck driver 5-7 years to rack up that many miles. Yet the comparisons were with cars and trees over a 1 year period. That's %100 dishonest and is exactly what the EV industry HAS to do to make electric power make any sense. That and to completely ignore the dramatic environmental impact of producing millions of HUGE lithium batteries. Lithium is not a renewable resource, it is extremely toxic to refine and "recycling" of it... if you can even call it that, is also environmentally harmful. Stop bending the numbers to make EVs look good. Electricity and batteries are NOT clean to produce. Your electric car is NOT zero emissions. The emissions simply happen somewhere else. For reference, the 150 metric tonnes of CO2 the truck in question produces in 250 000 miles breaks down to 50 000 metric tons per year over a conservative estimate of 5 years. Per year that's equivalent to 7 smaller cars and would require 1445 trees per year.

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