I had a 2000 RAV4 hybrid and…
I had a 2000 RAV4 hybrid and loved it. It was totalled in 2022. Couldn't find one anywhere, so bought a 2022 CRV hybrid. The Rav4 got up to 42 mpg in the summer and 36 in the deep cold of winter. That was a combination of country roads and highway. The CRV gets 36 to 38 mpg in the summer on country roads. Winter it drops to 30 to 32. We took a long trip out west in September and October. Mileage ranges from a high of 36 to a low of 22 mpg. Long highway days were always disappointing, in the mid to upper 20s for mpg. Also, the RAV4 had a lot of acceleration both off the line and for highway passing. The CRV with its continuous variable transmission is powerless. If you floor it, nothing much happens. The engine revs loudly and the car creeps gradually faster. Both from a stop, and on the highway. Half throttle actually seems to do a bit better, but still disappointing and dismal performance. Bottom line... Both are quality vehicles. But, RAV4 wins for mileage, power, and a real spare tire. Also, RAV4 comes with tires that have a more aggressive tread. Better for dirt roads and snow up here in NH. We plan to sell the CRV in the spring and get a new RAV4, provided that it still has good acceleration and hasn't been turned into another yuppy mid sized SUV like the CRV.