Yea I got screwed by a car…
Yea I got screwed by a car dealer, a Toyota dealer at that, but willingly went all in anyway . The Salesman swore to me my finance was going to be a 0% APR loan and after 4 hours of negotiating I was ready to sign. While looking over the contract I noticed I had a 1.9% APR. At this point of the process you have been done with the salesman and you are at the "money" guy's desk. You know him, his sole existence is to try and upsell whatever on the car. Trim, electronics, bells, whistles, and etc. before finalizing the contract. To he is who I complained to about the APR issue. While telling him what the salesman promised and what wasn't being delivered on the loan interest rate, the money guy attempted to reach out to the salesman for clarity. Conveniently the salesman couldn't be found, he had left the premises already 🙄, so communication with him had become shoddy even for the dealer, at that point. I threatened to call the whole deal off so they panicked and tried appeasing with 4 years of free oil changes. After 4 hours of negotiations , the shenanigans they pulled and what they used to appease, I decided to pull the trigger and sign anyway. I was tired and the free oil changes gave back something for the APR ruse. Plus, I needed the wheels pretty desperately, my old clunker was on its' last clunk. Now im not suggesting all to do this but, I've always gone to buy my cars at dealers, and I've always deliberated for hours, and I've found you gain the leverage of the deal once you've spent all of that time of theirs' and then threaten to walk, they become more appeasing especially if you catch them red handed on neferious behavior. Furthermore, hours of negotiating gives the buyer more incentive to look over that contract because, hey that was your time spent too. Hope this helps. Car salesman can be so unprincipled at times. Like Mr. Diaz's experience in this article, their selling tactics maybe car buying PTSD inducing. Thanks neighbor 🙄.