Bought a 2015 Silverado LTZ…
Bought a 2015 Silverado LTZ in 2017 with 10000 miles still under warranty. Do not recall if the transmission clunked from when I bought it or within a year or so. It only clunked occasionally asI went up on my moderately steep hill and would stop to back in my garage. Just one loud clunk. I thought it was just the engine dropping from 8 cyl to 4 cyl. The truck started shuddering almost always as I came to stop at the crest of an overpass exit. I would stop to make a right merge and feel a slight shudder. It almost felt like my wheels were slipping on oil. I would also experience this regularly on certain left turn after a stop. In October of 2024 on a 700 mile trip, stopped for gas and started feeling a faint shudder, like mud on a tire or ruts on the road. It would happen for 10 miles or so then disappear only to return after 30 milesor so. Made it to my destination but would only feel the shuddering when driving above 50 MPH. I was nervous on the return trip. Slowly the shuddering worsened. I delayed my return one day from Sunday to Monday in case the transmission failed. I made it home. The next day I called my local Chevrolet garage. As soon as I started the truck and put it in drive, something was worse, it was slipping on almost every stop. I had to stop by the bank and I as put it in gear to leave it hesitated and hard clunk into reverse. I limped to the Chevrolet dealer garage. The whole 15 mile trip was just a lot of shuddering. As I turned into the garage the transmission must have started to shear, for a minute the truck just revved but would not move, it clunked into a high gear and rolled into a parking spot barely responding to the gas pedal. They called me with a burnt out torque converter, some of teeth were sheared off. A rebuilt OEM with 3 year warranty was $10000.00 since I was way out of warranty and my extended warranty ran out. I thought it was going to be around $4500.00. I wasn't going to put in the same transmission that failed. My son in law is a a mechanic, used to work at a dealership. He advised a Jasper rebuilt transmission. They had a rebuilt transmission for $7000.00, 3 year warranty. It could break down any where and any shop could repair, replace. My truck had 167K miles, only a few problems, air conditioning and rear axle seals which were under extended warranty. I did research, did not know there were recommended transmission fluid change, the torque converter is a pos, the transmission cooler doesn't kick in until temperature is 190 plus, the AFM wreaks havoc on lifters and makes your transmission hunt for gears while cylinders are shutting on and off. I did install a device which keeps the truck in V8, fuel economy was reduced by about 30 to 50 miles per tank, almost zero if I drive nice. I am also installing a by pass to reduce transmission temperature so it goes the cooler and going to change the fluid at about 50k.
So far no problems with rebuilt Jasper, still holding my breath though, I have 173300 mile now. Just a bit of info, prior the Chevy I had a 2002 Tacoma, I drove it until 2017, 230K or 260K miles, I forget. I got rof the Tacoma because of the transmission, it would not go into gear occasionally. A few times it just revved on the road, no power. It started getting worse. If the Chevrolet had gone to 200k miles or so, I wouldn't have complained.