Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy 2011 to be largest energy conference in 22 years
This new conference, formerly known as the NHA Hydrogen Conference and Expo, will openly display a powerful alliance which will make the fuel cell part of the energy equation, and will help the propulsion systems of future vehicles, like the ones shown in the picture at the GM the Heritage Center in Sterling Heights, Michigan, come to fruition.
According to the fuelcellandhydrogenenergy.org website and email marketing, Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy 2011 has the mark of a powerful event. Phrases like, “absolutely First-Class Conference;” “the premier event for hydrogen fuel cell research in the nation;” permeate the website’s feedback from previous years.
The 2011 conference, though, is different mainly because of the merger. The goal is to take advantage of the momentum and history of both industries so as to elevate efforts to make fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies an integral part of the clean energy portfolio.
A great team has been put together who have managed several previous successful NHA conferences. Starting with new FCHEA leadership like Mike Hicks, Fuel Cell Engineer, IdaTech LLC and FCHEA Co-Chair Mike McGowan, Head of Strategic Alliances, the Linde Group and FCHEA Co-Chair and staff, great support is also coming from Conference Chair Charlie Freese of General Motors, and Technology Transition Corporation and their partners.
Already, the team has put together the 2nd largest expo in the event’s history and there are still two months to go. Reports show they have attracted an unprecedented array of expert energy speakers from within and outside our industries.
Posters will be on display in the Expo Hall, where formal presentation times will be announced as they are finalized. The initial list is large and includes the following categories:
- Analysis,
- Codes & Standards,
- Early Markets,
- Fuel cell Applications,
- Infrastructure,
- Production,
- Research & Development,
- Transportation
Additional Reading:
DOE announces up to $74M for fuel cell R&D
Projected fuel cell costs decline 81 percent since 2003
Auto industry turning more to outside research to fulfill technology needs
Is a hydrogen and internal combustion engine marriage in your future?