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Max (not verified)    January 2, 2012 - 1:39PM

In reply to by DanDetroit (not verified)

Dan, which rock in the GM Rennaisance Center did you roll out from under? GM has repeatedly failed at every opportunity. The only reason GM owned the IP that Saab was using is that any Intellectual Property developed by Chevrolet, Holden , Saab, Opel or any held GM marque was registered in GM's name. So, for all Saab pioneered technology it was all registered in GM's name.

GM screwing down Saab has basically had the effect of GM protecting Chinese jobs at the expense of US jobs, Swedish jobs as well as many other of the 50+ countries around the world that Saab operated in. Sounds short sighted to me.

As far as the EV1 GM tried long and hard to scuttle all product and policies that dealt with making autos/truck more fuel efficient. They even lobbied the US Cogress to give huge tax write-offs to buy trucks with 6000+ GVW, you know the ones that get 10-15 mpg.. Why those and not the cars and truck that got 30 mpg? Greed, plain and simple. GM is shortsighted, greedy and on a course to fail yet again. All US citizens willing to bail out GM again please sign below.....

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