Dan according to you everyone
Dan according to you everyone is ignorant. You really must take a look in the mirror too. Because again all technology developed by ANY GM nameplate got trademarked as property of GM. If you don't understand how that helps GM play God with all brands you really don't get it. Maybe in your office in the Renaisance Center (that name always makes me laugh, thats the last palace where there is a renaissance going on,) all this GM IP is being developed, according to your not so sound logic.
GM has long and hard fought all fuel economy battles. GM makes more money on full size trucks and never spent dime one to develop high mpg cars or trucks. Hence the GM lobby in the US Congress to make tax breaks for full size trucks and SUV's.
That is a major reason GM was bankrupt in 2009. When gas hit $4 a gallon GM dealers were left sitting with thousands of gas hogs and no customers (You know the one you said wanted those vehicles.) For you to deny the obvious is ludicrous. Time to crawl back under the rock and wait for your next bailout. Not.