That's true, however why are
That's true, however why are we arguing about stuff from at the very least 9 years ago. I mean that's like saying the Simpsons season 10 was bad (just an example, I don't watch the Simpsons). Yes, the show is going to decline to a certain extent but it should and will likely be slower. Despite the fact that they have to come up with new stuff every week. This isn't a plot they are imagining with a twist and an underlying background story. They just need to reinvigorate the show. I mean it's a car show. The subject is the machines and they make new ones every year. It shouldn't be that hard. And series 18 is really like series 9 because as many who know the show would realize, they split it up into two smaller series throughout the year. To address Top Gear USA: I find it quite contrived and fairly derivative from what I've seen. On the last preview for the show, they guys made limos and drove celebrities to various destinations which was on Top Gear UK a few years back. This is likely going to happen, but have they already run out of idea on US version? Also they are missing the major factor that makes the Top Gear hosts good - they are/were well known before the show was a big deal. Even if one of the presenters on TG:USA was famous it would make the show more watchable. And I know the one guy is a Le Mans driver or something, but who cares. Do many people know those guys? No.